Source code for mud_examples.linear.lin

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging

# import os
import sys

import scipy as sp

# from mud_examples.runner import setup_logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import cm

# from mud import __version__ as __mud_version__
from mud.funs import map_sol, mud_sol, updated_cov
from mud.norm import full_functional, norm_data, norm_input, norm_predicted
from mud.util import transform_linear_setup, null_space

# from mud_examples import __version__
from mud_examples.utils import make_2d_unit_mesh
from mud_examples.parsers import parse_args

# maybe should segment out these examples at some point.
import mud_examples.linear.models as models
from mud_examples.utils import check_dir

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 10, 10
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 24

__author__ = "Mathematical Michael"
__copyright__ = "Mathematical Michael"
__license__ = "mit"

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # TODO: make use of this instead of print

[docs]def setup_logging(loglevel): """Setup basic logging Args: loglevel (int): minimum loglevel for emitting messages """ logformat = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s" logging.basicConfig( level=loglevel, stream=sys.stdout, format=logformat, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
[docs]def main_dim(args): """ Main entrypoint for High-Dim Linear Dimension Example """ args = parse_args(args) setup_logging(args.loglevel) np.random.seed(args.seed) # example = args.example # num_trials = args.num_trials # fsize = args.fsize # linewidth = args.linewidth # seed = args.seed # dim_input = args.input_dim # save = # alt = args.alt # bayes = args.bayes # prefix = args.prefix # dist = args.dist presentation = False save = True if not presentation: plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "stix" plt.rcParams[""] = "STIXGeneral" fdir = "figures/lin" check_dir(fdir) fsize = 42 def numnonzero(x, tol=1e-4): return len(x[abs(x) < tol]) # # Impact of Dimension for Various Choices of $\\Sigma_\text{init}$ # dim_output = dim_input dim_input, dim_output = 100, 100 seed = 12 np.random.seed(seed) # from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix as make_spd # from sklearn.datasets import make_sparse_spd_matrix as make_cov # cov = np.eye(dim_input) initial_cov = np.diag(np.sort(np.random.rand(dim_input))[::-1] + 0.5) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) initial_mean = np.zeros(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # initial_mean = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1,1) randA = models.randA_gauss # choose which variety of generating map A, b = models.randP(dim_input, randA=randA) prefix = "lin-dim-cov" alpha_list = [10 ** (n) for n in np.linspace(-3, 4, 8)] # option to fix A and perturb lam_ref lam_ref = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # d = A @ lam_ref + b # %%time sols = compare_linear_sols_dim(lam_ref, A, b, alpha_list, initial_mean, initial_cov) # c = np.linalg.cond(A)*np.linalg.norm(lam_ref) c = np.linalg.norm(lam_ref) # c = 1 err_mud_list = [ [np.linalg.norm(_m[0] - lam_ref) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list ] err_map_list = [ [np.linalg.norm(_m[1] - lam_ref) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list ] err_pin_list = [ [np.linalg.norm(_m[2] - lam_ref) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list ] # c = np.linalg.cond(A) c = np.linalg.norm(A) # err_Amud_list = [[np.linalg.norm(A @ (_m[0] - lam_ref)) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # err_Amap_list = [[np.linalg.norm(A @ (_m[1] - lam_ref)) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # err_Apin_list = [[np.linalg.norm(A @ (_m[2] - lam_ref)) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # measure # of components that agree # err_mud_list = [[numnonzero(_m[0] - lam_ref) for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # err_map_list = [[numnonzero(_m[1] - lam_ref) for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # err_pin_list = [[numnonzero(_m[2] - lam_ref) for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] x, y = np.arange(1, dim_output, 1), err_mud_list[0][0:-1] slope, intercept = ( np.linalg.pinv(np.vander(x, 2)) @ np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1) ).ravel() regression = slope * x + intercept # --- # # Convergence Plot for idx, alpha in enumerate(alpha_list): if (1 + idx) % 2 and alpha <= 10: plt.annotate( f"$\\alpha$={alpha:1.2E}", (100, max(err_map_list[idx][-1], 0.01)), fontsize=24, ) _err_mud = err_mud_list[idx] _err_map = err_map_list[idx] _err_pin = err_pin_list[idx] plt.plot(x, _err_mud[:-1], label="MUD", c="k", lw=10) plt.plot(x, _err_map[:-1], label="MAP", c="r", ls="--", lw=5) plt.plot(x, _err_pin[:-1], label="LSQ", c="xkcd:light blue", ls="-", lw=5) # plt.plot(x, regression, c='g', ls='-') # plt.xlim(0,dim_output) if "id" in prefix: plt.title( "Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha I$", fontsize=1.25 * fsize, ) else: plt.title( "Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha \\Sigma$", fontsize=1.25 * fsize, ) # plt.yscale('log') # plt.yscale('log') # plt.xscale('log') plt.ylim(0, 1.0) # plt.ylim(1E-4, 5E-2) # plt.ylabel("$\\frac{||\\lambda^\\dagger - \\lambda||}{||\\lambda^\\dagger||}$", fontsize=fsize*1.25) plt.ylabel("Relative Error", fontsize=fsize * 1.25) plt.xlabel("Dimension of Output Space", fontsize=fsize) plt.legend(["MUD", "MAP", "Least Squares"], fontsize=fsize) # plt.annotate(f'Slope={slope:1.4f}', (4,4/7), fontsize=32) plt.savefig(f"{fdir}/{prefix}-convergence.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all")
# # plt.imshow(initial_cov) # # ## Surface Plot # X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,alpha_list) # ZU = np.array(err_mud_list)[:,1:100] # ZA = np.array(err_map_list)[:,1:100] # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # ax.plot_surface(X, np.log10(Y), ZU, alpha=0.3, color='xkcd:blue') # ax.plot_surface(X, np.log10(Y), ZA, alpha=0.7, color='xkcd:orange') # ax.set(ylabel='log10(Standard Deviation)', xlabel='Output Dimension', zlabel='Error') # # ax.set(yscale='log') # ax.view_init(15, 15) # plt.savefig(f'lin/{prefix}-surface-error.png', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close('all') # # # # # Convergence in Predictions # for idx, alpha in enumerate(alpha_list): # _err_mud = err_Amud_list[idx] # _err_map = err_Amap_list[idx] # _err_pin = err_Apin_list[idx] # plt.plot(np.arange(0, dim_output),_err_mud[:], label='mud', c='k', lw=10) # plt.plot(np.arange(0, dim_output),_err_map[:], label='map', c='r', ls='--', lw=5) # plt.plot(np.arange(0, dim_output),_err_pin[:], label='lsq', c='xkcd:light blue', ls='-', lw=5) # # plt.plot(x,regression, c='g', ls='-') # # plt.xlim(0,dim_output) # if 'id' in prefix: # plt.title("Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha I$", fontsize=1.25*fsize) # else: # plt.title("Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha \Sigma$", fontsize=1.25*fsize)# plt.yscale('log') # # plt.xscale('log') # # plt.ylim(0, 6) # # plt.ylim(1E-4, 5E-2) # plt.ylabel("Relative Error in $\mathcal{D}$", fontsize=fsize*1.25) # # plt.ylabel("$\\frac{||A (\\lambda^* - \\lambda) ||}{||A||}$", fontsize=fsize, fontsize=fsize*1.25) # plt.xlabel('Dimension of Output Space', fontsize=fsize) # plt.legend(['mud', 'map', 'least squares'], fontsize=fsize, loc='lower left') # # plt.annotate(f'Slope={slope:1.4f}', (4,4), fontsize=24) # plt.savefig(f'lin/{prefix}-convergence-dimension-out.png', bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close('all') # #
[docs]def main_rank(args): """ Main entrypoint for High-Dim Linear Rank Example """ args = parse_args(args) setup_logging(args.loglevel) np.random.seed(args.seed) # example = args.example # num_trials = args.num_trials # fsize = args.fsize # linewidth = args.linewidth # seed = args.seed # inputdim = args.input_dim # save = # alt = args.alt # bayes = args.bayes # prefix = args.prefix # dist = args.dist presentation = False save = True if not presentation: plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "stix" plt.rcParams[""] = "STIXGeneral" fdir = "figures/lin" check_dir(fdir) fsize = 42 plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # --- # # Impact of Rank(A) for Various Choices of $\\Sigma_\text{init}$ # We sequentially incorporate $D=1, \dots , P$ dimensions into our QoI map and study # the 2-norm between the true value that was used to generate # the data and the analytical MUD/MAP points. dim_input, dim_output = 100, 100 seed = 12 np.random.seed(seed) # from sklearn.datasets import make_spd_matrix as make_spd # from sklearn.datasets import make_sparse_spd_matrix as make_cov # cov = np.eye(dim_input) initial_cov = np.diag(np.sort(np.random.rand(dim_input))[::-1] + 0.5) initial_mean = np.zeros(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # initial_mean = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1,1) randA = models.randA_list_svd A_list, b = models.randP(dim_input, randA=randA) prefix = "lin-rank-cov" alpha_list = [10 ** (n) for n in np.linspace(-3, 4, 8)] # option to fix A and perturb lam_ref lam_ref = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # d = A@lam_ref + b # %%time sols = compare_linear_sols_rank_list( lam_ref, A_list, b, alpha_list, initial_mean, initial_cov ) # c = np.linalg.cond(A)*np.linalg.norm(lam_ref) c = np.linalg.norm(lam_ref) err_mud_list = [ [np.linalg.norm(_m[0] - lam_ref) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list ] err_map_list = [ [np.linalg.norm(_m[1] - lam_ref) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list ] err_pin_list = [ [np.linalg.norm(_m[2] - lam_ref) / c for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list ] err_Amud_list = [ [ np.linalg.norm(sum(A_list[0 : i + 1]) @ (_m[0] - lam_ref)) / np.linalg.norm(sum(A_list[0 : i + 1])) for i, _m in enumerate(sols[alpha]) ] for alpha in alpha_list ] # noqa E551 err_Amap_list = [ [ np.linalg.norm(sum(A_list[0 : i + 1]) @ (_m[1] - lam_ref)) / np.linalg.norm(sum(A_list[0 : i + 1])) for i, _m in enumerate(sols[alpha]) ] for alpha in alpha_list ] # noqa E551 err_Apin_list = [ [ np.linalg.norm(sum(A_list[0 : i + 1]) @ (_m[2] - lam_ref)) / np.linalg.norm(sum(A_list[0 : i + 1])) for i, _m in enumerate(sols[alpha]) ] for alpha in alpha_list ] # noqa E551 # measure # of components that agree # err_mud_list = [[numnonzero(_m[0] - lam_ref) for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # err_map_list = [[numnonzero(_m[1] - lam_ref) for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # err_pin_list = [[numnonzero(_m[2] - lam_ref) for _m in sols[alpha]] for alpha in alpha_list] # len(err_mud_list[0]) x, y = np.arange(1, 1 + dim_output, 1), err_mud_list[0] slope, intercept = ( np.linalg.pinv(np.vander(x, 2)) @ np.array(y).reshape(-1, 1) ).ravel() # regression = slope * x + intercept # # Convergence Plot for idx, alpha in enumerate(alpha_list): if (1 + idx) % 2 and alpha <= 10: plt.annotate( f"$\\alpha$={alpha:1.2E}", (100, max(err_map_list[idx][-1], 0.01)), fontsize=24, ) _err_mud = err_mud_list[idx] _err_map = err_map_list[idx] _err_pin = err_pin_list[idx] plt.plot(x, _err_mud, label="MUD", c="k", lw=10) plt.plot(x, _err_map, label="MAP", c="r", ls="--", lw=5) plt.plot(x, _err_pin, label="LSQ", c="xkcd:light blue", ls="-", lw=5) # plt.plot(x, regression, c='g', ls='-') # plt.xlim(0,dim_output) if "id" in prefix: plt.title( "Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha I$", fontsize=1.25 * fsize, ) else: plt.title( "Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha \\Sigma$", fontsize=1.25 * fsize, ) # plt.yscale('log') # plt.xscale('log') plt.ylim(0, 1.0) # plt.ylim(1E-4, 5E-2) # plt.ylabel("$\\frac{||\\lambda^\\dagger - \\lambda||}{||\\lambda^\\dagger||}$", fontsize=fsize * 1.25) plt.ylabel("Relative Error", fontsize=fsize * 1.25) plt.xlabel("Rank(A)", fontsize=fsize) plt.legend(["MUD", "MAP", "Least Squares"], fontsize=fsize) # plt.annotate(f'Slope={slope:1.4f}', (4,4/7), fontsize=32) plt.savefig(f"{fdir}/{prefix}-convergence.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all")
# # plt.imshow(initial_cov) # --- # ## Surface Plot # X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,alpha_list) # ZU = np.array(err_mud_list) # ZA = np.array(err_map_list) # ZI = np.array(err_pin_list) # # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # ax.plot_surface(X, np.log10(Y), ZU, alpha=0.3, color='xkcd:blue') # ax.plot_surface(X, np.log10(Y), ZA, alpha=0.7, color='xkcd:orange') # ax.set(ylabel='log10(Standard Deviation)', xlabel='Output Dimension', zlabel='Error') # # ax.set(yscale='log') # ax.view_init(15, 15) # # plt.savefig(f'lin/{prefix}-surface-error.png', bbox_inches='tight') # # # print(c, slope) # # # Convergence in Predictions # for idx, alpha in enumerate(alpha_list): # _err_mud = err_Amud_list[idx] # _err_map = err_Amap_list[idx] # _err_pin = err_Apin_list[idx] # plt.plot(np.arange(0, dim_output), _err_mud[:], label='mud', c='k', lw=10) # plt.plot(np.arange(0, dim_output), _err_map[:], label='map', c='r', ls='--', lw=5) # plt.plot(np.arange(0, dim_output), _err_pin[:], label='lsq', c='xkcd:light blue', ls='-', lw=5) # # plt.plot(x,regression, c='g', ls='-') # # plt.xlim(0,dim_output) # if 'id' in prefix: # plt.title("Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha I$", fontsize=1.25*fsize) # else: # plt.title("Convergence for Various $\\Sigma_{init} = \\alpha \Sigma$", fontsize=1.25*fsize)# plt.yscale('log') # plt.xscale('log') # plt.yscale('log') # # plt.ylim(0, 6) # # plt.ylim(1E-4, 5E-2) # # plt.ylabel("$\\frac{||A (\\lambda^* - \\lambda) ||}{||A||}$", fontsize=fsize) # plt.ylabel("Relative Error in $\mathcal{D}$", fontsize=fsize*1.25) # plt.xlabel('Matrix Rank', fontsize=fsize) # plt.legend(['mud', 'map', 'least squares'], fontsize=fsize, loc='lower left') # # plt.annotate(f'Slope={slope:1.4f}', (4,4), fontsize=24) # # plt.savefig(f'lin/{prefix}-convergence-out.png', bbox_inches='tight') #
[docs]def main_contours(args): """ Main entrypoint for 2D Linear Rank-Deficient Example (Contour Plots) """ args = parse_args(args) setup_logging(args.loglevel) np.random.seed(args.seed) # example = args.example # num_trials = args.num_trials # fsize = args.fsize # linewidth = args.linewidth # seed = args.seed # inputdim = args.input_dim # save = # alt = args.alt # bayes = args.bayes # prefix = args.prefix # dist = args.dist presentation = False save = True if not presentation: plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "stix" plt.rcParams[""] = "STIXGeneral" fdir = "figures/contours" check_dir(fdir) lam_true = np.array([0.7, 0.3]) initial_mean = np.array([0.25, 0.25]) A = np.array([[1, 1]]) b = np.zeros((1, 1)) experiments = {} # data mismatch experiments["data_mismatch"] = {} experiments["data_mismatch"]["out_file"] = f"{fdir}/data_mismatch_contour.png" experiments["data_mismatch"]["data_check"] = True experiments["data_mismatch"]["full_check"] = False experiments["data_mismatch"]["tk_reg"] = 0 experiments["data_mismatch"]["pr_reg"] = 0 # tikonov regularization experiments["tikonov"] = {} experiments["tikonov"]["out_file"] = f"{fdir}/tikonov_contour.png" experiments["tikonov"]["tk_reg"] = 1 experiments["tikonov"]["pr_reg"] = 0 experiments["tikonov"]["data_check"] = False experiments["tikonov"]["full_check"] = False # modified regularization experiments["modified"] = {} experiments["modified"]["out_file"] = f"{fdir}/consistent_contour.png" experiments["modified"]["tk_reg"] = 1 experiments["modified"]["pr_reg"] = 1 experiments["modified"]["data_check"] = False experiments["modified"]["full_check"] = False # map point experiments["classical"] = {} experiments["classical"]["out_file"] = f"{fdir}/classical_solution.png" experiments["classical"]["tk_reg"] = 1 experiments["classical"]["pr_reg"] = 0 experiments["classical"]["data_check"] = True experiments["classical"]["full_check"] = True # mud point experiments["consistent"] = {} experiments["consistent"]["out_file"] = f"{fdir}/consistent_solution.png" experiments["consistent"]["tk_reg"] = 1 experiments["consistent"]["pr_reg"] = 1 experiments["consistent"]["data_check"] = True experiments["consistent"]["full_check"] = True # comparison experiments["compare"] = {} experiments["compare"]["out_file"] = f"{fdir}/map_compare_contour.png" experiments["compare"]["data_check"] = True experiments["compare"]["full_check"] = True experiments["compare"]["tk_reg"] = 1 experiments["compare"]["pr_reg"] = 0 experiments["compare"]["comparison"] = True experiments["compare"]["cov_01"] = -0.5 for ex in experiments:"Running {ex}") config = experiments[ex] out_file = config.get("out_file", "latest_figure.png") tk_reg = config.get("tk_reg", 1) pr_reg = config.get("pr_reg", 1) cov_01 = config.get("cov_01", -0.25) cov_11 = config.get("cov_11", 0.5) obs_std = config.get("obs_std", 0.5) full_check = config.get("full_check", True) data_check = config.get("data_check", True) numr_check = config.get("numr_check", False) comparison = config.get("comparison", False) contour_example( A=A, b=b, save=save, param_ref=lam_true, compare=comparison, cov_01=cov_01, cov_11=cov_11, initial_mean=initial_mean, alpha=tk_reg, omega=pr_reg, show_full=full_check, show_data=data_check, show_est=numr_check, obs_std=obs_std, figname=out_file, )
[docs]def main_meas(args): """ Main entrypoint for High-Dim Linear Measurement Example """ args = parse_args(args) setup_logging(args.loglevel) np.random.seed(args.seed) # example = args.example # num_trials = args.num_trials # fsize = args.fsize # linewidth = args.linewidth # seed = args.seed # dim_input = args.input_dim # save = # alt = args.alt # bayes = args.bayes # prefix = args.prefix # dist = args.dist presentation = False save = True if not presentation: plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "stix" plt.rcParams[""] = "STIXGeneral" fdir = "figures/lin" check_dir(fdir) fsize = 42 def numnonzero(x, tol=1e-4): return len(x[abs(x) < tol]) # # Impact of Number of Measurements for Various Choices of $\\Sigma_\text{init}$ # dim_output = dim_input dim_input, dim_output = 20, 5 # seed = 12 # np.random.seed(seed) initial_cov = np.diag(np.sort(np.random.rand(dim_input))[::-1] + 0.5) # initial_cov = np.eye(dim_input) # will cause spectrum of updated covariance to contain repeated eigenvalues plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # initial_mean = np.zeros(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # initial_mean = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1,1) # num_obs_list = np.arange(1, 101).tolist() lam_ref = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) prefix = "lin-meas-cov" # Ns = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000] sigma = 1e-1 # np.random.seed(21) # Ns = np.arange(10, 2001, 50).tolist() Ns = [10, 100, 1000, 10000] # for _ in range(num_trials): operator_list, data_list, _ = models.createRandomLinearProblem( lam_ref, dim_output, [max(Ns)] * dim_output, # want to iterate over increasing measurements [0] * dim_output, # noiseless data bc we want to simulate multiple trials dist="norm", repeated=True, ) MUD = np.zeros((dim_input, len(Ns))) UP = np.zeros((dim_input, len(Ns))) noise_draw = np.random.randn(dim_output, max(Ns)) * sigma for j, N in enumerate(Ns): A, b, _ = transform_measurements(operator_list, data_list, N, sigma, noise_draw) MUD[:, j] = mud_sol(A, b, cov=initial_cov) up_cov = updated_cov(A, initial_cov) up_sdvals = sp.linalg.svdvals(up_cov) # print(up_sdvals.shape, dim_input, up_cov.shape) UP[:, j] = up_sdvals # mud_var = MUD.var(axis=2) lines = ["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"] for p in range(dim_input): plt.plot( Ns, UP[p, :], label=f"SV {p}", alpha=0.4, lw=5, ls=lines[p % len(lines)], ) # plt.plot(Ns, mud_var, label='MUD', c='k', lw=10) # plt.title("Precision of MUD Estimates", fontsize=1.25 * fsize) plt.yscale("log") plt.xscale("log") plt.ylabel("Eigenvalues of $\\Sigma_{up}$", fontsize=fsize * 1.25) plt.xlabel("Number of Measurements", fontsize=fsize) # plt.legend() if save: plt.savefig(f"{fdir}/{prefix}-convergence.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all") else: plt.close("all") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10)) ax.set_yscale("log") index_values = np.arange(dim_input) + 1 for i, N in enumerate(Ns): ax.scatter( index_values, UP[:, i], marker="o", s=200, facecolors="none", edgecolors="k", ) ax.plot( index_values, UP[:, i], label=f"$N={N:1.0E}$", alpha=1, lw=3, ls=lines[i % len(lines)], c="k", ) ax.set_xticks(index_values) ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticks(), rotation=0) ax.set_xlabel("Index", fontsize=fsize) ax.set_ylabel("Eigenvalue", fontsize=fsize) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter("%2d")) ax.legend(loc="lower left", fontsize=fsize * 0.75) if save: plt.savefig(f"{fdir}/{prefix}-sd-convergence.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all") else: plt.close("all")
[docs]def main_meas_var(args): """ Main entrypoint for High-Dim Linear Measurement Example """ args = parse_args(args) setup_logging(args.loglevel) np.random.seed(args.seed) # example = args.example # num_trials = args.num_trials # fsize = args.fsize # linewidth = args.linewidth # seed = args.seed # dim_input = args.input_dim # save = # alt = args.alt # bayes = args.bayes # prefix = args.prefix # dist = args.dist presentation = False save = True if not presentation: plt.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "stix" plt.rcParams[""] = "STIXGeneral" fdir = "figures/lin" check_dir(fdir) fsize = 42 def numnonzero(x, tol=1e-4): return len(x[abs(x) < tol]) # # Impact of Number of Measurements for Various Choices of $\\Sigma_\text{init}$ # dim_output = dim_input dim_input, dim_output = 4, 2 # seed = 12 # np.random.seed(seed) # initial_cov = np.diag(np.sort(np.random.rand(dim_input))[::-1] + 0.5) initial_cov = np.eye(dim_input) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # initial_mean = np.zeros(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) # initial_mean = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1,1) # num_obs_list = np.arange(1, 101).tolist() lam_ref = np.random.randn(dim_input).reshape(-1, 1) prefix = "lin-meas-cov" # Ns = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000] sigma = 1e-1 # np.random.seed(21) Ns = np.arange(10, 2001, 50).tolist() # Ns = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000] num_trials = 50 # for _ in range(num_trials): def A_N(M, N, sigma): A = np.sqrt(N) / sigma * M return A def d_N(M, lam, n): d = M @ lam + n assert len(d.ravel()) == len( n.ravel() ), f"Shape mismatch noise={n.shape}, data={d.shape}" return d def b_N(N, d, sigma): b = -1 / np.sqrt(N) * np.sum(np.divide(d, sigma), axis=1) return b # M = np.random.normal(size=(dim_output, dim_input)) operator_list, data_list, _ = models.createRandomLinearProblem( lam_ref, dim_output, [max(Ns)] * dim_output, # want to iterate over increasing measurements [0] * dim_output, # noiseless data bc we want to simulate multiple trials dist="norm", repeated=True, ) # operator list has dim_output 1xdim_input matrices MUD = np.zeros((dim_input, len(Ns), num_trials)) # M = np.array(operator_list).reshape(dim_output, dim_input) noise_draw = [ np.random.randn(dim_output, max(Ns)) * sigma for _ in range(num_trials) ] for j, N in enumerate(Ns): # _A = A_N(M, N, sigma) for i in range(num_trials): # _b = b_N(N, d_N(M, lam_ref, noise_draw[i][:, 0:N]), sigma) # A, b = transform_linear_setup(operator_list, data_list, sigma) A, b, _ = transform_measurements( operator_list, data_list, N, sigma, noise_draw[i] ) MUD[:, j, i] = mud_sol(A, b, cov=initial_cov) mud_var = MUD.var(axis=2).mean(axis=0) plt.plot(Ns, mud_var, label="MUD", c="k", lw=10) # plt.title("Precision of MUD Estimates", fontsize=1.25 * fsize) plt.yscale("log") plt.xscale("log") plt.ylabel("Mean Variance of MUD Estimates", fontsize=fsize * 1.25) plt.xlabel("Number of Measurements", fontsize=fsize) plt.legend() # plt.legend(['MUD', 'Least Squares'], fontsize=fsize) if save: plt.savefig(f"{fdir}/{prefix}-convergence.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all") else: plt.close("all")
[docs]def main(args): """ Main entrypoint for example-generation """ main_contours(args) main_rank(args) main_dim(args) main_meas(args)
[docs]def run(): """Entry point for console_scripts""" main(sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def run_meas(): """Entry point for console_scripts""" main_meas(sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def run_meas_var(): """Entry point for console_scripts""" main_meas_var(sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def contour_example( A=np.array([[1, 1]]), b=np.zeros([1, 1]), # noqa: C901 cov_11=0.5, cov_01=-0.25, initial_mean=np.array([0.25, 0.25]), alpha=1, omega=1, obs_std=1, show_full=True, show_data=True, show_est=False, param_ref=None, compare=False, fsize=42, figname="latest_figure.png", save=False, ): """ alpha: float in [0, 1], weight of Tikhonov regularization omega: float in [0, 1], weight of Modified regularization """ # mesh for plotting N, r = 250, 1 X, Y, XX = make_2d_unit_mesh(N, r) inputs = XX std_of_data = [obs_std] obs_cov = np.diag(std_of_data) observed_data_mean = np.array([[1]]) initial_cov = np.array([[1, cov_01], [cov_01, cov_11]]) assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(initial_cov) > 0) z = full_functional( A, XX, b, initial_mean, initial_cov, observed_data_mean, observed_cov=obs_cov ) zp = norm_predicted(A, XX, initial_mean, initial_cov) zi = norm_input(XX, initial_mean, initial_cov) zd = norm_data(A, XX, b, observed_data_mean, observed_cov=obs_cov) # sanity check that all arguments passed correctly: assert np.linalg.norm(z - zi - zd + zp) < 1e-8 # plotting contours z = alpha * zi + zd - omega * zp mud_a = np.argmin(z) map_a = np.argmin(alpha * zi + zd) # get mud/map points from minimal values on mesh mud_pt = inputs[mud_a, :] map_pt = inputs[map_a, :] msize = 500 ls = (np.linalg.pinv(A) @ observed_data_mean.T).ravel() if show_data: plt.contour( inputs[:, 0].reshape(N, N), inputs[:, 1].reshape(N, N), (zd).reshape(N, N), 25, cmap="viridis", alpha=0.5, vmin=0, vmax=4, ) plt.axis("equal") s = np.linspace(-2 * r, 2 * r, 10) if A.shape[0] < A.shape[1]: # nullspace through least-squares null_line = null_space(A) * s + ls.reshape(-1, 1) plt.plot( null_line[0, :], null_line[1, :], label="Solution Contour", lw=2, color="xkcd:red", ) if not show_full: plt.annotate( "Solution Contour", (0.1, 0.9), fontsize=fsize, backgroundcolor="w" ) if show_full: plt.contour( inputs[:, 0].reshape(N, N), inputs[:, 1].reshape(N, N), z.reshape(N, N), 50, cmap="viridis", alpha=1.0, ) elif alpha + omega > 0: plt.contour( inputs[:, 0].reshape(N, N), inputs[:, 1].reshape(N, N), (alpha * zi - omega * zp).reshape(N, N), 100, cmap="viridis", alpha=0.25, ) plt.axis("equal") if alpha + omega > 0: plt.scatter( initial_mean[0], initial_mean[1], label="Initial Mean", color="k", s=msize ) if not show_full: plt.annotate( "Initial Mean", (initial_mean[0] + 0.001 * fsize, initial_mean[1] - 0.001 * fsize), fontsize=fsize, backgroundcolor="w", ) else: if compare: plt.scatter( param_ref[0], param_ref[1], label="$\\lambda^\\dagger$", color="k", s=msize, marker="s", ) plt.annotate( "Truth", (param_ref[0] + 0.00075 * fsize, param_ref[1] + 0.00075 * fsize), fontsize=fsize, backgroundcolor="w", ) show_mud = omega > 0 or compare if show_full: # scatter and line from origin to least squares plt.scatter( ls[0], ls[1], label="Least Squares", color="xkcd:blue", marker="d", s=msize, zorder=10, ) plt.plot( [0, ls[0]], [0, ls[1]], color="xkcd:blue", marker="d", lw=1, zorder=10 ) plt.annotate( "Least Squares", (ls[0] - 0.001 * fsize, ls[1] + 0.001 * fsize), fontsize=fsize, backgroundcolor="w", ) if show_est: # numerical solutions if omega > 0: plt.scatter( mud_pt[0], mud_pt[1], label="min: Tk - Un", color="xkcd:sky blue", marker="o", s=3 * msize, zorder=10, ) if alpha > 0 and omega != 1: plt.scatter( map_pt[0], map_pt[1], label="min: Tk", color="xkcd:blue", marker="o", s=3 * msize, zorder=10, ) if alpha > 0 and omega != 1: # analytical MAP point map_pt_eq = map_sol( A, b, observed_data_mean, initial_mean, initial_cov, data_cov=obs_cov, w=alpha, ) plt.scatter( map_pt_eq[0], map_pt_eq[1], label="MAP", color="xkcd:orange", marker="x", s=msize, lw=10, zorder=10, ) if compare: # second map point has half the regularization strength plt.annotate( "MAP$_{\\alpha}$", (map_pt_eq[0] - 0.004 * fsize, map_pt_eq[1] - 0.002 * fsize), fontsize=fsize, backgroundcolor="w", ) else: plt.annotate( "MAP$_{\\alpha}$", (map_pt_eq[0] + 0.0001 * fsize, map_pt_eq[1] - 0.002 * fsize), fontsize=fsize, backgroundcolor="w", ) if show_mud: # analytical MUD point mud_pt_eq = mud_sol(A, b, observed_data_mean, initial_mean, initial_cov) plt.scatter( mud_pt_eq[0], mud_pt_eq[1], label="MUD", color="xkcd:brown", marker="*", s=2 * msize, lw=5, zorder=10, ) plt.annotate( "MUD", (mud_pt_eq[0] + 0.001 * fsize, mud_pt_eq[1] - 0.001 * fsize), fontsize=fsize, backgroundcolor="w", ) if A.shape[0] < A.shape[1]: # want orthogonal nullspace, function gives one that is already normalized v = null_space(A @ initial_cov) v = v[ ::-1 ] # in 2D, we can just swap entries and put a negative sign in front of one v[0] = -v[0] if show_full and show_mud: # grid search to find upper/lower bounds of line being drawn. # importance is the direction, image is nicer with a proper origin/termination s = np.linspace(-1, 1, 1000) new_line = (v.reshape(-1, 1) * s) + initial_mean.reshape(-1, 1) mx = np.argmin( np.linalg.norm(new_line - initial_mean.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) ) mn = np.argmin( np.linalg.norm(new_line - mud_pt_eq.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) ) plt.plot( new_line[0, mn:mx], new_line[1, mn:mx], lw=1, label="Projection Line", c="k", ) elif show_full: plt.plot( [initial_mean[0], ls[0]], [initial_mean[1], ls[1]], lw=1, label="Projection Line", c="k", ) # print(p) plt.axis("square") plt.axis([0, r, 0, r]) # plt.legend(fontsize=fsize) plt.xticks(fontsize=0.75 * fsize) plt.yticks(fontsize=0.75 * fsize) plt.tight_layout() if save: if "/" in figname: fdir = "/".join(figname.split("/")[:-1]) check_dir(fdir) plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300) plt.close("all")
# plt.title('Predicted Covariance: {}'.format((A@initial_cov@A.T).ravel() )) #
[docs]def compare_mud_map_pin(A, b, y, mean, cov): mud_pt = mud_sol(A, b, y, mean, cov) map_pt = map_sol(A, b, y, mean, cov) pin_pt = (np.linalg.pinv(A) @ (y - b)).reshape(-1, 1) return mud_pt, map_pt, pin_pt
[docs]def transform_rank_list(lam_ref, A, b, rank): """ A is a list here. We sum the first `rank` elements of it to return a matrix with the desired rank. """ _A = sum(A[0:rank]) _b = b _d = _A @ lam_ref + _b assert np.linalg.matrix_rank(_A) == rank, "Unexpected rank mismatch" return _A, _b, _d
[docs]def transform_dim_out(lam_ref, A, b, dim): if isinstance(A, list) or isinstance(A, tuple): raise AttributeError("A must be a matrix, not a list or tuple.") _A = A[:dim, :] _b = b[:dim, :] _d = _A @ lam_ref + _b return _A, _b, _d
[docs]def transform_measurements(operator_list, data_list, measurements, std_list, noise): dim_output = len(operator_list) N = measurements _oper_list = [M[0:N, :] for M in operator_list] _d = np.array([y[0:N] for y in data_list]) + noise[:, 0:N] _data_list = _d.tolist() A, b = transform_linear_setup(_oper_list, _data_list, std_list) d = np.zeros(dim_output).reshape(-1, 1) return A, b, d
[docs]def compare_linear_sols_rank_list(lam_ref, A, b, alpha=1, mean=None, cov=None): """ Input and output dimensions fixed, varying rank 1..dim_output. """ return compare_linear_sols(transform_rank_list, lam_ref, A, b, alpha, mean, cov)
[docs]def compare_linear_sols_dim(lam_ref, A, b, alpha=1, mean=None, cov=None): """ Input dimension fixed, varying output dimension. """ return compare_linear_sols(transform_dim_out, lam_ref, A, b, alpha, mean, cov)
[docs]def compare_linear_sols(transform, lam_ref, A, b, alpha=1, mean=None, cov=None): """ Input dimension fixed, varying according to the output of the anonymous function `transform`'s return. """ sols = {} if isinstance(alpha, (list, tuple)): alpha_list = alpha else: alpha_list = [alpha] if isinstance(A, np.ndarray): dim_in = A.shape[1] else: dim_in = len(A) if mean is None: mean = np.zeros(dim_in) if cov is None: cov = np.eye(dim_in)"alpha = {}".format(alpha_list)) if isinstance( A, list ): # svd approach returns list (max dim output), so does measurement study (max meas) max_iteration = A[0].shape[0] if max_iteration == 1: max_iteration = ( 100 # repeated measurement map is 1xp, this is a dirty override. ) else: max_iteration = A.shape[0] for alpha in alpha_list: sols[alpha] = [] for _out in range(1, max_iteration + 1, 1): _A, _b, _y = transform(lam_ref, A, b, _out) _mud, _map, _pin = compare_mud_map_pin(_A, _b, _y, mean, alpha * cov) sols[alpha].append((_mud, _map, _pin)) return sols
if __name__ == "__main__": run()