Source code for mud_examples.pde

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import distributions as ds

import mud_examples.poisson as ps  # lazy loads fenics

# from mud.funs import map_problem, mud_problem
from mud.util import std_from_equipment
from mud_examples.experiments import experiment_equipment, experiment_measurements
from mud_examples.summary import extract_statistics, maybe_fit_log_linear_regression

# from mud_examples.utils import check_dir

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

matplotlib.rcParams["mathtext.fontset"] = "stix"
matplotlib.rcParams[""] = "STIXGeneral"
matplotlib.backend = "Agg"
matplotlib.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = 10, 10
matplotlib.rcParams["font.size"] = 16

[docs]def main_pde( num_trials=20, tolerances=[0.1], measurements=[20, 100, 500], fsize=32, seed=21, lam_true=-3.0, input_dim=2, dist="u", sample_dist="u", num_samples=None, sample_tol=0.95, alt=True, bayes=True, **kwargs, ): """ **kwargs are used for the setting of the initial distribution. >>> res = main_pde(num_trials=3) Attempt run for measurements = [20, 100, 500] Running example: mud Running example: mud-alt Running example: map >>> res = main_pde(num_trials=3, dist='n') Attempt run for measurements = [20, 100, 500] Running example: mud Running example: mud-alt Running example: map >>> res = main_pde(num_trials=3, dist='n', sample_dist='n', sample_tol=0.99) Attempt run for measurements = [20, 100, 500] Running example: mud Running example: mud-alt Running example: map """ if lam_true < -4 or lam_true > 0: raise ValueError("True value must be in (-4, 0).") print(f"Attempt run for measurements = {measurements}") res = [] num_measure = max(measurements) if sample_dist == "n" and dist == "u": raise ValueError("Weighted kde only supports uniform samples. Set `--dist n`.") if dist == "n": if "loc" not in kwargs:"Using default location parameter for normal distribution") kwargs["loc"] = -2 if "scale" not in kwargs:"Using default scale parameter for normal distribution") kwargs["scale"] = 0.2 dist = ds.norm elif dist == "u": if "loc" not in kwargs or "scale" not in kwargs: "Using default location/scale parameters for uniform distribution" ) kwargs["loc"] = -4 kwargs["scale"] = 4 dist = ds.uniform else: # TODO SUPPORT BETA raise ValueError("`dist` must be `u` or `n`") sd_vals = [ std_from_equipment(tolerance=tol, probability=0.99) for tol in tolerances ] sigma = sd_vals[-1] # sorted, pick largest"Using std. dev {sigma}") example_list = ["mud"] if alt: example_list.append("mud-alt") if bayes: example_list.append("map") for example in example_list: print(f"Running example: {example}") P = ps.pdeProblem() # in 1d this is a change in sensor location # in ND, change in how we partition sensors (vertical vs horizontal) fdir = f"pde_{input_dim}D" # expectation from make_reproducible_without_fenics # mud and mud alt have same sensors in higher dimensional examples # in 1d, the alternative approach is to change sensor placement, which requires # loading a separate file. if sample_dist == "u": sample_tol = 1.0 prefix = str(round(np.floor(sample_tol * 1000))) if example == "mud-alt" and input_dim == 1: fname = f"{fdir}/ref_alt_{prefix}_{input_dim}{sample_dist}.pkl" try: P.load(fname) except FileNotFoundError: # attempt to load xml results from disk. fname = ps.make_reproducible_without_fenics( "mud-alt", lam_true, input_dim=input_dim, num_samples=num_samples, num_measure=num_measure, sample_tol=sample_tol, sample_dist=sample_dist, ) P.load(fname) wrapper = P.mud_scalar() ps.plot_without_fenics(fname, num_sensors=100, num_qoi=1, example=example) else: fname = f"{fdir}/ref_{prefix}_{input_dim}{sample_dist}.pkl" try: P.load(fname) except FileNotFoundError: try: # available data in package"Trying packaged data.") pkgfname = "data/" + fname P.load(pkgfname) fname = pkgfname # if successful, overwrite filename # curdir = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] # if curdir == 'scripts': # raise FileNotFoundError("already within scripts directory.") # _logger.warning("Attempting from scripts directory.") # fname = f'scripts/{fname}' # P.load(fname) except FileNotFoundError: "Failed to load requested data from disk or packaged datasets." ) fname_out = ps.make_reproducible_without_fenics( "mud", lam_true, input_dim=input_dim, num_measure=num_measure, num_samples=num_samples, sample_tol=sample_tol, sample_dist=sample_dist, ) assert fname == fname_out # check we saved the right file try: P.load(fname) except FileNotFoundError as e: _logger.critical("Exiting program") raise (e) P.dist = dist # TODO: Hidden knowledge that this needs to be set msg = "`sample_dist` not inferred from filename correctly" assert P.sample_dist == sample_dist, msg fdir = P.fname.replace(".pkl", "") # track directories that were created # plots show only one hundred sensors to avoid clutter if example == "mud-alt": wrapper = P.mud_vector_vertical(**kwargs) ps.plot_without_fenics( fname, num_sensors=100, mode="ver", num_qoi=input_dim, example=example, ) elif example == "mud": wrapper = P.mud_vector_horizontal(**kwargs) ps.plot_without_fenics( fname, num_sensors=100, mode="hor", num_qoi=input_dim, example=example, ) elif example == "map": wrapper = P.map_scalar(log=True, **kwargs) ps.plot_without_fenics( fname, num_sensors=100, num_qoi=input_dim, example=example ) if input_dim > 1: "Input dim > 1, setting `lam_true` to projection (closest fit from all model evaluations)." ) closest_fit_index_out = np.argmin( np.linalg.norm(P.qoi - np.array(P.qoi_ref), axis=1) ) g_projected = P.lam[closest_fit_index_out, :].ravel() lam_true = g_projected # adjust measurements to account for what we actually have simulated measurements = np.array(measurements) measurements = list(measurements[measurements <= P.qoi.shape[1]])"Increasing Measurements Study")"Will run simulations for N={measurements}") experiments, solutions = experiment_measurements( num_measurements=measurements, sd=sigma, num_trials=num_trials, seed=seed, fun=wrapper, ) means, variances = extract_statistics(solutions, lam_true) regression_mean, slope_mean = maybe_fit_log_linear_regression( measurements, means ) regression_vars, slope_vars = maybe_fit_log_linear_regression( measurements, variances ) ########## num_sensors = min(100, num_measure) if len(tolerances) > 1:"Increasing Measurement Precision Study") experiments, solutions = experiment_equipment( sd_vals=sd_vals, num_measure=num_sensors, num_trials=num_trials, seed=seed, fun=wrapper, ) sd_means, sd_vars = extract_statistics(solutions, lam_true) regression_err_mean, slope_err_mean = maybe_fit_log_linear_regression( tolerances, sd_means ) regression_err_vars, slope_err_vars = maybe_fit_log_linear_regression( tolerances, sd_vars ) _re = ( regression_err_mean, slope_err_mean, regression_err_vars, slope_err_vars, sd_means, sd_vars, num_sensors, ) else: _re = None # hack to avoid changing data structures for the time being _in = (P.lam, P.qoi, P.sensors, P.qoi_ref, experiments, solutions) _rm = ( regression_mean, slope_mean, regression_vars, slope_vars, means, variances, ) res.append((example, _in, _rm, _re, fdir)) if input_dim > 1: if example == "mud": P.plot_initial() if len(measurements) > 1: # FIXME: make plots reflect level of std. for m in measurements: # assumes keys = num_measurements. broken for tolerance comparison. P.plot_solutions(solutions, m, example=example) # P.plot_solutions(solutions, 100, example=example, save=True) return res
if __name__ == "__main__": main_pde()