Source code for mud_examples.poisson

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import argparse
import logging
import os
import pickle
import pkgutil
import sys
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # move when migrating plotting code (maybe)
import numpy as np  # only needed for band_qoi + sample generation for main method
from mud import __version__ as __mud_version__
from mud.funs import map_problem, mud_problem

# used for convenience in setting Normal distribution
from mud.util import std_from_equipment

from mud_examples import __version__
from mud_examples.utils import LazyLoader, check_dir
from mud_examples.models import generate_spatial_measurements as generate_sensors_pde

ds = LazyLoader("scipy.stats.distributions")
# from mpi4py import MPI
# rank = comm.Get_rank()

__author__ = "Mathematical Michael"
__copyright__ = "Mathematical Michael"
__license__ = "mit"

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    fin = LazyLoader("dolfin")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    _logger.error("Could not load fenics.")

[docs]def parse_args(args): """Parse command line parameters Args: args ([str]): command line parameters as list of strings Returns: :obj:`argparse.Namespace`: command line parameters namespace """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Poisson Problem") parser.add_argument( "-V", "--version", action="version", version=f"mud_examples {__version__}, mud {__mud_version__}", ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--num_samples", dest="num", help="Number of samples", default=1, type=int, metavar="INT", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", "--distribution", dest="dist", help="Distribution. `n` (normal), `u` (uniform, default)", default="u", type=str, metavar="STR", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--mean", dest="mean", help="Sets mean for normal distribution.", default=-2.0, type=float, metavar="FLOAT", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--sample-tolerance", dest="tolerance", help="Sets std dev for normal distribution. Proportion of samples (default: 0.95) that fall within +/- 2 of the mean.", default=0.95, type=float, metavar="FLOAT", ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input_dim", dest="input_dim", help="Dimension of input space (default=2).", default=2, type=int, metavar="INT", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--beta-params", dest="beta_params", help="Parameters for beta distribution. (default = 1 1 )", default=None, nargs="+", type=float, metavar="FLOAT FLOAT", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="loglevel", help="set loglevel to INFO", action="store_const", const=logging.INFO, ) parser.add_argument( "-vv", "--very-verbose", dest="loglevel", help="set loglevel to DEBUG", action="store_const", const=logging.DEBUG, ) return parser.parse_args(args)
[docs]def setup_logging(loglevel): """Setup basic logging Args: loglevel (int): minimum loglevel for emitting messages """ logformat = "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s" logging.basicConfig( level=loglevel, stream=sys.stdout, format=logformat, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
[docs]def main(args): """Main entry point allowing external calls. Generates PDE data (requires fenics to be installed) Args: args ([str]): command line parameter list """ args = parse_args(args) setup_logging(args.loglevel) _logger.debug(" data generation") num_samples = args.num sample_dist = args.dist mean = args.mean dim_input = args.input_dim beta_params = args.beta_params # signals to use beta (first preference) tol = ( args.tolerance ) # signals to use normal (beta must be empty), overrides uniform if sample_dist == "n": if tol < 0 or tol >= 1: raise ValueError("tolerance must be in (0, 1)") elif sample_dist == "u": tol = 1.0 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported value for sample_dist.") # perform random sampling according to command-line arguments if beta_params is None: if ( sample_dist == "n" ): # N(-mean, sd), sd chosen so 100*tol % samples are +/- 2 around mean f"Generating samples from N(-2, sd), sd s.t. {100*tol}% are in a ball of radius 2 around mean." ) sd = std_from_equipment(2, tol) randsamples = np.random.randn(num_samples, dim_input) * sd + mean elif sample_dist == "u": # U(-4, 0)"Generating samples from U(-4, 0).") tol = 1.0 randsamples = -4 * np.random.rand(num_samples, dim_input) else: raise ValueError( "Improper distribution choice, use `n` (normal) or `u` (uniform)." ) else:"Using beta distribution since `beta_params` were passed.") beta_params = tuple(beta_params) sample_dist = "b" + str(beta_params).replace(", ", "_").replace( "(", "" ).replace(")", "") if len(beta_params) != 2: raise ValueError("Beta distribution requires only two parameters.") randsamples = -4 * np.random.beta(*beta_params, size=(num_samples, dim_input)) # indexed list of samples we will evaluate through our poisson model sample_seed_list = list(zip(range(num_samples), randsamples)) outfile = str(round(np.floor(tol * 1000))) + "_" + str(dim_input) + str(sample_dist) results = [] for sample in sample_seed_list: r = evaluate_and_save_poisson(sample, outfile) results.append(r) _logger.debug(r) pickle.dump(results, open(f"{outfile}.pkl", "wb"))"Data generation completed, saved to {outfile}.pkl.")
[docs]def run(): """Entry point for console_scripts""" main(sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def poissonModel(gamma=-3, mesh=None, width=1, nx=36, ny=36): """ `gamma` is scaling parameter for left boundary condition `n_x` and `n_y` are the number of elements for the horizontal/vertical axes of the mesh """ # Create mesh and define function space if mesh is None: mesh = fin.RectangleMesh(fin.Point(0, 0), fin.Point(width, 1), nx, ny) V = fin.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1) u = fin.TrialFunction(V) v = fin.TestFunction(V) # Define the left boundary condition, parameterized by gamma left_bc = gamma_boundary_condition(gamma) # Define the rest of the boundary condition dirichlet_bc = fin.Constant(0.0) # top and bottom right_bc = fin.Constant(0) # Define integrand boundary_markers = get_boundary_markers_for_rect(mesh, width) ds = fin.Measure("ds", domain=mesh, subdomain_data=boundary_markers) # Define variational problem f = fin.Expression( "10*exp(-(pow(x[0] - 0.5, 2) + pow(x[1] - 0.5, 2)) / 0.02)", degree=2 ) a = fin.inner(fin.grad(u), fin.grad(v)) * fin.dx L = f * v * fin.dx + right_bc * v * ds(1) + left_bc * v * ds(3) # sum(integrals_N) # Define Dirichlet boundary (x = 0 or x = 1) def top_bottom_boundary(x): return x[1] < fin.DOLFIN_EPS or x[1] > 1.0 - fin.DOLFIN_EPS bc = fin.DirichletBC( V, dirichlet_bc, top_bottom_boundary ) # this is required for correct solutions # Compute solution u = fin.Function(V) fin.solve(a == L, u, bc) return u
[docs]def gamma_boundary_condition(gamma=-3): """ Defines boundary condition parameterized by either a scalar or list/iterable. In the latter case, piecewise-interpolation on an equispaced grid over the interior of (0, 1). In the former, the scalar defines the minimum displacement value of the boundary condition. """ if isinstance(gamma, int) or isinstance(gamma, float): # 1-D case # the function below will have a min at (2/7, gamma) by design # (scaling factor chosen via calculus) lam = gamma * 823543 / 12500 expr = fin.Expression(f"pow(x[1], 2) * pow(1 - x[1], 5) * {lam}", degree=3) else: # Higher-D case expr = fin.Expression(piecewise_eval_from_vector(gamma, d=1), degree=1) return expr
[docs]def poisson_sensor_model(sensors, gamma, nx, ny, mesh=None): """ Convenience function wrapper to just return a qoi given a parameter. """ assert sensors.shape[1] == 2, "pass with shape (num_sensors, 2)" u = poissonModel(gamma=gamma, mesh=mesh, nx=nx, ny=ny) return [u(xi, yi) for xi, yi in sensors]
[docs]def eval_boundary_piecewise(u, n, d=1): """ Takes an Expression `u` (on unit domain) and returns the string for another expression based on evaluating a piecewise-linear approximation. The mesh is equispaced into n intervals. """ dx = 1 / (n + 1) intervals = [i * dx for i in range(n + 2)] node_values = [u(0, i) for i in intervals] return piecewise_eval(intervals, node_values, d)
[docs]def piecewise_eval_from_vector(u, d=1): """ Takes an iterable `u` with y-values (on interior of equispaced unit domain) and returns the string for an expression based on evaluating a piecewise-linear approximation through these points. """ n = len(u) dx = 1 / (n + 1) intervals = [i * dx for i in range(n + 2)] node_values = [0] + list(u) + [1] return piecewise_eval(intervals, node_values, d)
[docs]def piecewise_eval(xvals, yvals, d=1): s = "" for i in range(1, len(xvals)): start = xvals[i - 1] end = xvals[i] diff = start - end s += f" ((x[{d}] >= {start}) && (x[{d}] < {end}))*" s += f"({yvals[i-1]}*((x[{d}]-{end})/{diff}) + (1 - ((x[{d}]-{end})/{diff}))*{yvals[i]} ) +" return s[1:-1]
[docs]def eval_boundary(u, n): dx = 1 / (n + 1) invals = [i * dx for i in range(n + 2)] outvals = [u(0, i) for i in invals][1:-1] return invals[1:-1], outvals
[docs]def expressionNorm(u, v, n=100): u = eval_boundary(u, n)[1] v = eval_boundary(v, n)[1] return np.linalg.norm(np.array(u) - np.array(v)) / n
[docs]def copy_expression(expression): u = expression return fin.Expression( u._cppcode, **u._user_parameters, degree=u.ufl_element().degree() )
[docs]def get_boundary_markers_for_rect(mesh, width=1): class BoundaryX0(fin.SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and fin.near(x[0], 0, 1e-14) class BoundaryX1(fin.SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and fin.near(x[0], width, 1e-14) class BoundaryY0(fin.SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and fin.near(x[1], 0, 1e-14) class BoundaryY1(fin.SubDomain): def inside(self, x, on_boundary): return on_boundary and fin.near(x[1], 1, 1e-14) # not sure what the first argument here does. boundary_markers = fin.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim() - 1, 0) # starting from top of square, going clockwise # we have to instantiate a class for each boundary portion in order to mark them. # each operation changes the state of `boundary_markers` BoundaryY1().mark(boundary_markers, 0) BoundaryX1().mark(boundary_markers, 1) BoundaryY0().mark(boundary_markers, 2) BoundaryX0().mark(boundary_markers, 3) return boundary_markers
[docs]def make_reproducible_without_fenics( example="mud", lam_true=-3, input_dim=2, sample_dist="u", sample_tol=0.95, num_samples=None, num_measure=100, ): """ (Currently) requires XML data to be on disk, simulates sensors and saves everything required to one pickle file. """ if sample_dist == "u": sample_tol = 1.0 elif sample_dist == "n": if sample_tol < 0 or sample_tol >= 1: raise ValueError( "Sample tolerance must be in (0, 1) when using normal distributions." ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported argument for `sample_dist`.") if lam_true < -4 or lam_true > 0: raise ValueError("True value must be in (-4, 0).") prefix = str(round(np.floor(sample_tol * 1000)))"Running make_reproducible without fenics") # Either load or generate the data. try: # TODO: generalize this path here... take as argument model_list = pickle.load(open(f"{prefix}_{input_dim}{sample_dist}.pkl", "rb")) if num_samples is None or num_samples > len(model_list): num_samples = len(model_list) except FileNotFoundError as e: if num_samples is None: num_samples = 50 _logger.error(f"make_reproducible: {e}") _logger.warning("Attempting data generation with system call.") # below has to match where we expected our git-controlled file to be... TODO: generalize to data/ # curdir = os.getcwd().split('/')[-1] os.system( f"generate_poisson_data -v -s {num_samples} -i {input_dim} -d {sample_dist} -t {sample_tol}" ) try: model_list = pickle.load( open(f"{prefix}_{input_dim}{sample_dist}.pkl", "rb") ) if num_samples is None or num_samples > len(model_list): num_samples = len(model_list) except TypeError: raise ModuleNotFoundError("Try `conda install -c conda forge fenics`") fdir = f"pde_{input_dim}D" check_dir(fdir) if ( input_dim == 1 and "alt" in example ): # alternative measurement locations for more sensitivity / precision sensors = generate_sensors_pde(num_measure, ymax=0.95, xmax=0.25) fname = f"{fdir}/ref_alt_{prefix}_{input_dim}{sample_dist}.pkl" else: sensors = generate_sensors_pde(num_measure, ymax=0.95, xmax=0.95) fname = f"{fdir}/ref_{prefix}_{input_dim}{sample_dist}.pkl" lam, qoi = load_poisson_from_fenics_run( sensors, model_list[0:num_samples], nx=36, ny=36 ) qoi_ref = poisson_sensor_model(sensors, gamma=lam_true, nx=36, ny=36) pn = poissonModel(gamma=lam_true) c = pn.function_space().mesh().coordinates() v = [pn(c[i, 0], c[i, 1]) for i in range(len(c))] g = gamma_boundary_condition(lam_true) g_mesh = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000) g_plot = [g(0, y) for y in g_mesh] ref = { "sensors": sensors, "lam": lam, "qoi": qoi, "truth": lam_true, "data": qoi_ref, "plot_u": (c, v), "plot_g": (g_mesh, g_plot), } with open(fname, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(ref, f) + " saved: " + str(Path(fname).stat().st_size // 1000) + "KB") return fname
[docs]def plot_without_fenics( fname, num_sensors=None, num_qoi=2, mode="sca", fsize=36, example=None ): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) mode = mode.lower() colors = ["xkcd:red", "xkcd:black", "xkcd:orange", "xkcd:blue", "xkcd:green"] if "data" in fname: # TODO turn into function."Loading {fname} from package") data = pkgutil.get_data(__package__, fname) data = BytesIO(data) else:"Loading from disk") data = open(fname, "rb") ref = pickle.load(data) sensors = ref["sensors"] # qoi_ref = ref['data'] coords, vals = ref["plot_u"] # try: # import fenics as fin # from poisson import poissonModel # pn = poissonModel() # fin.plot(pn, vmin=-0.5, vmax=0) # except: plt.tricontourf(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], vals, levels=20, vmin=-0.5, vmax=0) # input_dim = ref['lam'].shape[1] plt.title("Response Surface", fontsize=1.25 * fsize) if num_sensors is not None: # plot sensors intervals = np.linspace(0, 1, num_qoi + 2)[1:-1] if mode == "sca": qoi_indices = band_qoi(sensors, 1, axis=1) _intervals = ( np.array(intervals[1:]) + (np.array(intervals[:-1]) - np.array(intervals[1:])) / 2 ) elif mode == "hor": qoi_indices = band_qoi(sensors, num_qoi, axis=1) # partitions equidistant between sensors _intervals = ( np.array(intervals[1:]) + (np.array(intervals[:-1]) - np.array(intervals[1:])) / 2 ) elif mode == "ver": qoi_indices = band_qoi(sensors, num_qoi, axis=0) # partitions equidistant on x_1 = (0, 1) _intervals = np.linspace(0, 1, num_qoi + 1)[1:] else: raise ValueError( "Unsupported mode type. Select from ('sca', 'ver', 'hor'). " ) for i in range(0, len(qoi_indices)): _q = qoi_indices[i][qoi_indices[i] < num_sensors] plt.scatter(sensors[_q, 0], sensors[_q, 1], s=100, color=colors[i % 2]) if i < num_qoi - 1: if mode == "hor": plt.axhline(_intervals[i], lw=3, c="k") elif mode == "ver": plt.axvline(_intervals[i], lw=3, c="k") plt.scatter([0] * num_qoi, intervals, s=500, marker="^", c="w") plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.ylim(0, 1) # plt.xticks([]) # plt.yticks([]) plt.xlabel("$x_1$", fontsize=fsize) plt.ylabel("$x_2$", fontsize=fsize) if example: # if 'data' in fname: # TODO: clean this up # fdir= '/'.join(fname.split('/')[1:-1]) # else: # fdir= '/'.join(fname.split('/')[:-1]) fdir = "figures/" + fname.replace(".pkl", "") # print(fdir) check_dir(fdir) fname = f"{fdir}/{example}_surface.png" plt.savefig(fname, bbox_inches="tight")"Saved {fname}")
# from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde as gkde # from scipy.stats import distributions as dist # def ratio_dci_sing(qoi): # kde = gkde(qoi.T) # ratio_eval = dist.norm.pdf(qoi)/kde.pdf(qoi.T).ravel() # return ratio_eval # def ratio_dci_mult(qois): # nq = np.array(qois) # kde = gkde(nq) # obs = dist.norm.pdf(nq) # obs_eval = np.product(obs, axis=0) # pre_eval = kde.pdf(nq) # ratio_eval = np.divide(obs_eval, pre_eval) # return ratio_eval
[docs]def make_mud_wrapper( domain, lam, qoi, qoi_true, indices=None, sample_dist="u", dist=ds.norm, **kwargs ): """ Anonymous function """ if not isinstance(sample_dist, str): raise ValueError("`sample_dist` must be of type `str`.") def mud_wrapper(num_obs, sd): d = mud_problem( domain=domain, lam=lam, qoi=qoi, qoi_true=qoi_true, sd=sd, num_obs=num_obs, split=indices, ) d.set_initial(dist(**kwargs)) if sample_dist == "u": _logger.debug("Using weighted KDE for MUD solution.") d.set_predicted(weights=d._in) return d return mud_wrapper
[docs]def make_map_wrapper(domain, lam, qoi, qoi_true, log=False, dist=ds.norm, **kwargs): """ Anonymous function """ def map_wrapper(num_obs, sd): b = map_problem( domain=domain, lam=lam, qoi=qoi, qoi_true=qoi_true, sd=sd, num_obs=num_obs, log=log, ) b.set_prior(dist(**kwargs)) return b return map_wrapper
# probably move to helpers or utils
[docs]def band_qoi(sensors, num_qoi=1, axis=1): intervals = np.linspace(0, 1, num_qoi + 2)[1:-1] if axis == 1: _intervals = ( np.array(intervals[1:]) + (np.array(intervals[:-1]) - np.array(intervals[1:])) / 2 ) elif axis == 0: _intervals = np.linspace(0, 1, num_qoi + 1)[1:] else: raise ValueError("axis must be 0 or 1 since the example is in 2D") _intervals = [0] + list(_intervals) + [1] qoi_indices = [ np.where( np.logical_and( sensors[:, axis] > _intervals[i], sensors[:, axis] < _intervals[i + 1] ) )[0] for i in range(num_qoi) ] return qoi_indices
[docs]def dist_from_fname(fname): """ Function that infers distribution used to generate samples from the filename It looks for a letter before `.pkl`, i.e. `..n.pkl` -> normal distribution. """ dist_from_fname = fname.strip("results").strip("res").strip(".pkl") dist_from_fname = dist_from_fname.split("/")[-1][ -1 ] # attempting to infer distribution from filename"Inferring distribution from file name with {dist_from_fname}") return dist_from_fname
[docs]class pdeProblem(object): def __init__(self, fname=None): self.fname = fname self._lam = None self._lam_ref = None self._qoi = None self._qoi_ref = None self._sensors = None self._domain = None self._u = None self._g = None self._dist = None self._sample_dist = None @property def lam(self): return self._lam @lam.setter def lam(self, lam): self._lam = lam @property def lam_ref(self): return self._lam_ref @lam_ref.setter def lam_ref(self, lam_ref): if self.domain is None: raise AttributeError("domain not yet set.") min_val, max_val = -4, 0 # problem-specific if (lam_ref < min_val) or (lam_ref > max_val): raise ValueError("lam_ref must be inside domain (-4, 0).") self._lam_ref = lam_ref @property def qoi(self): return self._qoi @qoi.setter def qoi(self, qoi): self._qoi = qoi @property def qoi_ref(self): return self._qoi_ref @qoi_ref.setter def qoi_ref(self, qoi_ref): self._qoi_ref = qoi_ref @property def sensors(self): return self._sensors @sensors.setter def sensors(self, sensors): self._sensors = sensors @property def domain(self): return self._domain @domain.setter def domain(self, domain): self._domain = domain @property def g(self): return self._g @g.setter def g(self, g): self._g = g @property def u(self): return self._u @u.setter def u(self, u): self._u = u @property def dist(self): return self._dist @dist.setter def dist(self, dist): self._dist = dist @property def sample_dist(self): return self._sample_dist @sample_dist.setter def sample_dist(self, dist): if dist not in ["u", "n"]: raise ValueError( "distribution could not be inferred. Must be from ('u', 'n')" ) self._sample_dist = dist
[docs] def load(self, fname=None): """ Loads from filename, e.g., "data/pde_2D/ref_1000_2u.pkl" """ if fname: self.fname = fname"PDE problem loading from {fname}.") else: fname = self.fname"PDE problem loading from default {fname}.") self.sample_dist = dist_from_fname(fname) domain, sensors, lam, qoi, qoi_ref, lam_ref, u, g = load_poisson_from_disk( fname ) self.domain = domain self.sensors = sensors self.lam = lam self.lam_ref = lam_ref self.qoi = qoi self.qoi_ref = qoi_ref self.u = u self.g = g f"lam: {self.lam.shape}, qoi: {self.qoi.shape}, dist: {self.sample_dist}" )
[docs] def map_scalar(self, log=True, **kwargs):"Solving with MAP estimates.") return make_map_wrapper( self.domain, self.lam, self.qoi, self.qoi_ref, dist=self.dist, log=log, **kwargs, )
[docs] def mud_scalar(self, **kwargs):"Solving with scalar-valued MUD estimates.") return make_mud_wrapper( self.domain, self.lam, self.qoi, self.qoi_ref, dist=self.dist, sample_dist=self.sample_dist, **kwargs, )
[docs] def mud_vector_horizontal(self, num_qoi=None, **kwargs): if num_qoi is None: # set output dimension = input dimension num_qoi = self.lam.shape[1] indices = band_qoi(self.sensors, num_qoi=num_qoi, axis=1)"Solving with horizontal-split vector-valued MUD estimates.") return make_mud_wrapper( self.domain, self.lam, self.qoi, self.qoi_ref, indices, dist=self.dist, sample_dist=self.sample_dist, **kwargs, )
[docs] def mud_vector_vertical(self, num_qoi=None, **kwargs): if num_qoi is None: # set output dimension = input dimension num_qoi = self.lam.shape[1] indices = band_qoi(self.sensors, num_qoi=num_qoi, axis=0)"Solving with vertical-split vector-valued MUD estimates.") return make_mud_wrapper( self.domain, self.lam, self.qoi, self.qoi_ref, indices, dist=self.dist, sample_dist=self.sample_dist, **kwargs, )
[docs] def plot_initial(self, save=True, **kwargs): self.plot(save=save, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_solutions(self, sols, num, save=True, **kwargs): self.plot(sols=sols, num_measurements=num, save=save, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot( self, sols=None, num_measurements=20, example="mud", fsize=36, ftype="png", save=False, ): lam = self.lam qoi = self.qoi qoi_ref = self.qoi_ref # dist = self.dist g = self.g fname = self.fname.replace(".pkl", "") # fname = fname.replace('data/', '') fname = "figures/" + fname check_dir(fname) closest_fit_index_out = np.argmin( np.linalg.norm(qoi - np.array(qoi_ref), axis=1) ) g_projected = list(lam[closest_fit_index_out, :]) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) g_mesh, g_plot = g intervals = list(np.linspace(0, 1, lam.shape[1] + 2)[1:-1]) # fin.plot(u_plot, mesh=mesh, lw=5, c='k', label="$g$") plt.plot(g_mesh, g_plot, lw=5, c="k", label="$g$") plt.plot( [0] + intervals + [1], [0] + g_projected + [0], lw=5, c="green", alpha=0.6, ls="--", label="$\\hat{g}$", zorder=5, ) if sols is not None: if sols.get(num_measurements, None) is None: raise AttributeError( f"Solutions `sols` missing requested N={num_measurements}. `sols`={sols!r}" ) else: prefix = f"{fname}/{example}_solutions_N{num_measurements}" plot_lam = np.array(sols[num_measurements]) if example == "mud-alt": qmap = "$Q_{%dD}^\\prime$" % lam.shape[1] soltype = "MUD" elif example == "mud": qmap = "$Q_{%dD}$" % lam.shape[1] soltype = "MUD" elif example == "map": qmap = "$Q_{1D}$" soltype = "MAP" else: raise ValueError("Unsupported example type.") plt.title( f"{soltype} Estimates for {qmap}, $N={num_measurements}$", fontsize=1.25 * fsize, ) else: # initial plot, first 100 # prefix = f'pde_{lam.shape[1]}{dist}/initial' prefix = f"{fname}/{example}_initial_S{lam.shape[0]}" plot_lam = lam[0:100, :] plt.title("Samples from Initial Density", fontsize=1.25 * fsize) for _lam in plot_lam: plt.plot( [0] + intervals + [1], [0] + list(_lam) + [0], lw=1, c="purple", alpha=0.2, ) plt.xlabel("$x_2$", fontsize=fsize) plt.ylabel("$g(x, \\lambda)$", fontsize=fsize) # label min(g) # plt.axvline(2/7, alpha=0.4, ls=':') # plt.axhline(-lam_true, alpha=0.4, ls=':') plt.ylim(-4, 0) plt.xlim(0, 1) plt.legend() if save: _fname = f"{prefix}.{ftype}" plt.savefig(_fname, bbox_inches="tight")"Saved {_fname}") plt.close("all")
[docs]def evaluate_and_save_poisson(sample, save_prefix): """ sample is a tuple (index, gamma) """ prefix = save_prefix.replace(".pkl", "") g = sample[1] # define fixed mesh to avoid re-instantiation on each call to model (how it handles mesh=None) nx, ny = 36, 36 mesh = fin.RectangleMesh(fin.Point(0, 0), fin.Point(1, 1), nx, ny) u = poissonModel(gamma=g, mesh=mesh, nx=nx, ny=ny) # Save solution as XML mesh fname = f"{prefix}-data/poisson-{int(sample[0]):06d}.xml" fin.File(fname, "w") << u # tells you where to find the saved file and what the input was to generate it. return {int(sample[0]): {"u": fname, "gamma": sample[1]}}
[docs]def load_poisson_from_fenics_run(sensors, file_list, nx=36, ny=36): num_samples = len(file_list) f"load_poisson_from_fenics_run - Loading {num_samples} evaluations of parameter space." ) mesh = fin.RectangleMesh(fin.Point(0, 0), fin.Point(1, 1), nx, ny) V = fin.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1) qoi = [] lam = [] # go through all the files and load them into an array for i in range(num_samples): fname = file_list[i][i]["u"] _logger.debug(f"Loading {fname}") u = fin.Function(V, fname) q = [u(xi, yi) for xi, yi in sensors] # sensors qoi.append(np.array(q)) lam.append(file_list[i][i]["gamma"]) # TODO: change name of this qoi = np.array(qoi) lam = np.array(lam)"qoi: {qoi.shape}, lam: {lam.shape}, sensors: {sensors.shape}") return lam, qoi
[docs]def load_poisson_from_disk(fname):"Attempting to load {fname} from disk") try: if "data" in fname:"Loading {fname} from package") data = pkgutil.get_data(__package__, fname) data = BytesIO(data) else:"Loading from disk") data = open(fname, "rb") ref = pickle.load(data) except FileNotFoundError:"load_poisson_from_disk - Failed to load {fname} from disk") raise FileNotFoundError( f"load_poisson_from_disk: File {fname} missing. Run `make_reproducible_without_fenics` first." ) lam = ref["lam"] input_dim = lam.shape[1] domain = np.array([[-4, 0]] * input_dim)"Domain set by default as [-4, 0] for each dimension.") qoi = ref["qoi"] qoi_ref = ref["data"] lam_ref = ref["truth"] u = ref["plot_u"] g = ref["plot_g"] sensors = ref["sensors"] return domain, sensors, lam, qoi, qoi_ref, lam_ref, u, g
if __name__ == "__main__": run()